
HOLOPUNI Quick Rig (Racing Class) Sail
The Holopuni Quick Rig is now our favorite sail system... basically because it is so light, simple to set up. easy to sail, efficient, has no stays or extra rigging lines, is instantly reef-able and looks cool!
The Holopuni Quick Rig was designed, with guidance from Fritz Richardson (Pacific Offshore Rigging ), specifically for the Holopuni OC3/S Class Sailing Canoe.
While we continued to make design improvements to our mast, boom and sail, this is now our Standard Holopuni Class Sailing rig. The Quick Rig is basically a free standing, rotating carbon fiber mast with a carbon fiber boom. The boom is set up with an internal out haul system. The sail has a built in sock which is slipped over the mast.
The mast rotates in the mast tube base and the sail can be, "furled /rolled up around the mast" or unfurled to any size..depending up the wind conditions. The 120 sq. ft. sail is cut so the boom / foot of the sail has just enough rise to give ample headroom for the middle seat paddler as well as for anyone out on the tramp.
Sail - 120 sq. ft. with 2 full vertical battens
Mast step receiver tube built into hull and deck
Carbon fiber mast outfitted for roller furling and to receive boom
Quality Racing hardware used for furling system, boom out haul and main sheeting
Holopuni Quick Rig (Racing Class) Sail
Holopuni Quick Rig (Racing Class) Sail
Holopuni Quick Rig (Racing Class) Sail
Crab Claw Sail
The crab claw sail is similar in design to the racing sails used in Hawaii by the Hawaiian Sailing Canoe Association. It is basically an inverted triangular sail with the foot high above the deck.
This sail has more of a "traditional" appearance, however, it is primarily a sail for broad reaching and down wind sailing. The Crab Claw Sail is difficult to reef and the large amount of sail area up high tends to create lots of heeling force.
Because the boom rises well above the deck, there is lots of head room for paddling and riding on the tramp. It is not an efficient sail for reaching or going up wind.
HSS Rig Sail - Horizontal Sailing Systems
The HSS Rig is really a very efficient sail. I was introduced to this sail rig by Art Lane. He has me hooked. It is FAST!
It consists of a very short main mast with the narrow triangular sail suspended above the mast by a cross arm with a rotating universal head that allows the sail to be rotated from side to side directly over the main mast.
Holopuni Horizontal Sail System
Holopuni Horizontal Sail System
Sail Colors
We can create custom sails with the colors and designs you wish, within our limits. Contact us for more information.
Holopuni Tapa Sail
Holopuni Sail Colors
Holopuni Sail - with added sun protection panel on leech and foot