Videos & Photos

Holopuni Raid Raromatai 2020
Raid Holopuni Va'a aux Iles Sous le Vent (Raromatai).
Holopuni sailing canoe trip in the Leward Islands of French Polynesia.
Holopuni Kuhela and Holopuni Tamari'i Moana.
Raiatea-Tahaa-Bora Bora-Tupai.

Holopuni World Championship 2019 (Matarai Edit)
Pull up a chair and relive last year’s voyage! Flashback to the Holopuni Va'a Hawaiki Nui Voyage 2019: World Championship. Special combined edit of daily clips of the 1st Holopuni Sailing Canoe World Championship. Tahiti - Moorea - Huahine - Raiatea - Taha'a - Bora Bora. 6 islands/5 legs. Watch in HD with a good sound system. Got YouTube on your TV? Watch in full HD on your big TV by streaming from the Holopuni Vaa YouTube Channel.
Installez-vous pour revivre le voyage de l’année dernière! Retour sur le Holopuni Va’a Hawaiki Nui Voyage 2019: Championnat du Monde. Montage combiné des clips journaliers du 1er Championnat du Monde de Holopuni Va’a. Tahiti - Moorea - Huahine - Raiatea - Taha'a - Bora Bora. 6 iles/5 étapes. A voir en HD avec un bon son. Vous avez YouTube sur votre télé? Visionnez en HD sur votre grand écran depuis la chaine YouTube Holopuni Vaa .

Holopuni, Sailing Without Limits
The 10th annual Holopuni Va’a Hawaiki Nui Voyage, a journey from Tahiti to Bora Bora via Moorea, Huahine, Raiatea, and Tahaa, was also the 1st Holopuni World Championship! Documentary by Matahi Tutavae.

Moana: The Holopuni Story Part 1
Be sure to turn on ENGLISH subtitles (should you need them) by clicking on the little gear tool on the bottom right of video (NOT the CC button). Choose ENGLISH.

Moana : Holopuni Story Part 2
Be sure to turn on ENGLISH subtitles (should you need them) by clicking on the little gear tool on the bottom right of video (NOT the CC button). Choose ENGLISH.

Holopuni Va'a Tetiaroa Explorer 2018
The Holopuni Va'a Tetiaroa Explorer is a 3 day sailing canoe race between the island of Tahiti, the atoll of Tetiaroa, and the island of Moorea.
Published on May 25, 2018

Hawaiki Nui Voyage 2018 Leg 1
First leg of the 2018 Holopuni Va'a Hawaiki Nui Voyage from Tahiti to Moorea. The Coco Beach Trophy.
Published on Nov 13, 2018

Hawaiki Nui Voyage 2018 Leg 2
Holopuni Va'a Hawaiki Nui Voyage Leg 2 : Huahine. The Matai Lapita Trophy.
Published on Nov 13, 2018

Hawaiki Nui Voyage 2018 Leg 3
Holopuni Va'a Hawaiki Nui Voyage 2018 leg 3 : Huahine to Taputapuatea, Raiatea. The Navigators Trophy.
Published on Nov 13, 2018

Hawaiki Nui Voyage 2018 Leg 4
Holopuni Va'a Hawaiki Nui Voyage Leg 4 : Raiatea to Tahaa. The Vanilla Island Trophy.
Published on Nov 13, 2018

Hawaiki Nui Voyage 2018 Leg 5
Holopuni Va'a Hawaiki Nui Voyage Leg 5 : Taha'a to Bora Bora The Pearl of the Pacific Trophy.
Published on Nov 13, 2018

Downwind Sessions
Our 2018 sailing canoe championship is a wrap! Flashback to some of our best downwind runs between Tahiti and Moorea (north side) - racing and just for fun! It's because of sessions like these that we are addicted!
Published on Sep 22, 2018

Moloka'i Dreamin'
Holopuni Va'a Hawaiian Islands Voyage 2017: Leg 3 - Kahului, Maui to Kepuhi Bay, Moloka'i. 109km across the Pailolo channel and along the backside of Moloka'i. English subtitles available. Holopuni Va'a Hawaiian Islands Voyage 2017: Etape N°3 - Kahului, Maui à Kepuhi Bay, Moloka'i.
Published on Oct 25, 2017

Teahupo'o Run
Holopuni canoe run from Teahupo'o down the south shore of Tahiti.
Published on Sep 3, 2017

North Shore Maui
Holopuni Va'a Hawaiian Islands Voyage 2017 : Hana to Kahului
Published on Aug 1, 2017

Keokea to Hana
Holopuni Va'a Hawaiian Island Voyage 2017. The 1st leg of the voyage from Keokea, Hawaii to Hana, Maui.
Published on Aug 1, 2017

Nick Beck sail surfing

Big Waves
By Nick Beck

Lunch is ready!

Braden Steering

Holopuni Moorea cruising in the lagoon of Tiahura, Moorea

Open Ocean Action

Nick Beck sail surfing

Nick Beck & Perry Hakaraia

Holopuni Kite Sailing

Holopuni Kite Sailing

Holopuni Kite Sailing

Holopuni fleet, Hokulea & Hikianalia
Hawaii’s Polynesian Voyaging Society’s canoes “HOKULEA” and “HIKIANALIA” being escorted into Matavai Bay (Tahiti) by a Fleet of Holopuni Canoes.

Team Holopuni
Cruising off the coast of the island of Huahine with Kainalu XT’s fleet of Holopuni Sailing Canoes

Original Holopuni Voyage arrives on Kauai

Original Holopuni Voyage

Original Holopuni Voyage

When no wind, Paddle

Early Days
David packing buckets.